28 Dec How to Overcome a Creative Slump
It can be like a puzzle, producing quality work in your digital marketing efforts. You want to create something special and unique, something that both strengthens your brand’s message and communicates clearly to your target audience. However, this can be easier said than done. There are a lot of pieces to work with, and sometimes it can be difficult putting all of the pieces together. Not being able to think creatively can make the sanest person feel a bit crazy and can create self-doubt within a person. We don’t live in a perfect world, and coming up with original, exciting content is no easy task.
Getting into a creative funk, or having writer’s block, can be a tough roadblock to overcome. Here are a few tips that can help you overcome a creative slump, and will help take the pressure off yourself so that you can jump right back onto the creative track.
1. Stop, step away and decompress
There’s no sense in banging your head against the wall if you are in a creative funk and are having a hard time coming up with material. Nobody thrives off of intense pressure. In these moments it is important to step away from your work and do something else with your time, such as take a walk, read a book, get something to eat, or go take a nap. This way your mind will be refreshed when you go back to work.
2. Do something creative (not work related)
Sometimes the best cure is to work on something creative that is not work related. Go paint, sculpt, draw, or do some digital design. Not only will it help you decompress, but it help you remember why you love being creative in the first place! You might even find inspiration!
3. Go on an internet “field trip”
Go ahead and browse around on the internet for inspiration and ideas. If you are in a bind, hit up StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Etsy, and see what’s trending on Twitter. Check the news, find other blog sites and read what they have done and are currently doing. In situations like this, the internet is your friend, so sit back, relax, and take a ‘trip’ on the internet the next time you are in a creative bind.
4. Get out into the world
Sometimes when you are out enjoying yourself and seeing what the world has to offer, creativity strikes. It could be triggered by something you see, hear, smell, or touch. So go out and have some fun! Go to an art museum, take a class, go to the gym, take a yoga class, go skating, take a hike, go shopping, the possibilities are endless. Just remember to bring a small notepad and a writing utensil with you just in case creativity strikes!