15 Dec Top 5 Tips for Working Remotely
Working remotely has become quite the growing trend over the last decade as more and more companies are now becoming plugged into the telecommuting culture. Having the option for remote workers allows employers to cast a much wider net to attract and obtain employees. By doing this, employers have a much higher chance of landing a real “catch,” a loyal and hardworking employee that gets the job done. However, while working at home seems glamorous in the eyes of those who don’t have experience with this firsthand, working remotely does come with its fair share of setbacks.
Working from home is not for everyone. Working remotely requires a particular work ethic and a different set of skills than working somewhere in-house. However, if you can handle the changes and remain focused, working from home can be rewarding and fulfilling. Plus, remote work can help save companies and employers thousands of dollars each year.
When handled correctly, working from home can make employees much happier and can save businesses money. If you are considering telecommuting work, check out our list of tips for working remotely!
1. Designate a workspace
Let’s face it working on your couch in front of the television is not a viable, long-term solution. Not only is not ergonomic, but it will also get you into bad habits. More than likely with the television on, you will not get any work done. Working like this will give way to distractions much easier than having a proper, designated work space. If you can, use a room that has a door so you can have a private space. By closing the door, you can lessen the chance of distractions and can help establish boundaries if others are home while you are working.
2. Figure out a schedule and stick to it
Coming up with a good work schedule may require some experimenting to figure out, and that’s OK! Overall, you want to figure out a work schedule that works best for you. If you have issues concentrating at night because of noisy family members, or maybe your mornings are just too chaotic with your children, find and designate a work schedule that can fit around these variables. Once you find a schedule that works for you, stick with it as best as you can. Establishing a routine and sticking to it as best as possible, can give you the structure necessary to perform efficiently.
3. Be flexible
We don’t live in a perfect world, and while you may have a good schedule set, remember to plan for chaos. If you find that you have some quiet time to work during a time that is not on your schedule, it’s always a good idea to get a head start with your work. You never know what’s ahead. Unplanned happenings and emergencies can happen, so if you have extra time, use it to your advantage. This way if you do have to take a day or two off from work because of an unplanned event, it won’t have such an adverse effect on you or your coworkers.
4. Stay connected with your co-workers
Working at home can be a bit lonely at times, so you want to make sure you stay connected with your colleagues. It is imperative that you over-communicate with your coworkers and stay connected by scheduling check-ins or one-on-ones. Since you are not working in-house with your coworkers, you want to over-communicate to ensure that you are clear in what you are saying or asking. Stay in touch with your co-workers via email, phone conversations, Skype, or text message. Whatever method works best for everyone involved, just make sure to keep everyone you work with in the loop and be a thorough and efficient communicator.