Do You Need to Update Your Website?

Having a website is a necessity nowadays. A powerful marketing tool, your website is the face of your brand and company, and its job is to help your business grow and flourish. However, it’s not enough to just have a website. Your website needs to be visually attractive, easy to navigate, informative, modern, and most importantly, up-to-date. Knowing when to update your website is crucial, especially if you want your website to be found and make an excellent impression on your audience.

If you are unsure if it’s time to update your website, then go through this helpful checklist to see if it’s time to give your website a much-needed facelift.

Are You Using Outdated Technology?

While old school has its appeal, it doesn’t apply to a website. Depending on how old your website is, there’s a good chance you need to update your website. The digital world is constantly in flux. Ever-changing and evolving, so if you want to stay up to date, make sure you give your website an overhaul every few years.

Is Your Website Slow?

If your website takes longer and longer to load, and file sizes are not the culprit, it’s a good indicator that it’s time to update your site. If you haven’t updated your site in a while, you could be using an outdated code that isn’t compatible with many new browsers, which can have a negative effect on your site’s loading speed.

Are You Mobile Compliant?

If you built your website years ago and never made it mobile-friendly, you need to update your website as soon as possible. You are hurting your bottom line and ROI if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website. Nowadays, a good portion of people will view your website on their mobile devices, and if your website is unable to load correctly, you are likely to lose your audience.

Does Your Website Properly Reflect Your Brand or Company?

A simple concept but often overlooked is the question, “does your website reflect your company or brand?” Your website is supposed to serve as the face of your business, so if you want to attract the correct type of clients, your site needs to be kept up to date with your information. Otherwise, if you are advertising the old side of your business and not what you are currently doing, you run a high chance of attracting the wrong kind of clients.

If you are looking to revamp your website, Sound Strategies is one of the top SEO firms and web development companies around. If you need help building and maintaining your website, contact us today! We can help keep your website current and up to date in today’s fast-paced world.