How Bolded Text Can Help Your SEO

If you want to stay on top of Google’s ever-changing algorithm (which many experts claim changes about 500 to 600 times a year!), creating user-friendly, high-quality content is critical. Also, keeping your ear to the ground doesn’t hurt either, especially if you want to rank high in the query continuously. Where you might have previously thought that using bold text is only a stylistic choice, the benefits of using bolded text stretch even further, as Google’s John Mueller has recently confirmed during a Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout that bolded text can, in fact, help your SEO.

When you bold the essential pieces of text in a paragraph, it can make the content more accessible for Google to understand, resulting in the improvement of a web page’s SEO and adding extra value to the page. When you bold important text in a paragraph, this makes it easier for Google’s crawlers to clearly distinguish what’s important on that particular webpage. However, this doesn’t mean that you should go off and bold every word on the page since the value of the bolded text is relative to everything else that is written on the page. Making every piece of text bold in a paragraph would still have the same effect as having nothing bolded because there would be no differentiating factors.

While bolded text can help your SEO, it’s not the end-all, be-all. Having high-quality content is still a necessity, but it can help add some extra value to a webpage when done correctly. While the addition of bolded text may not make your site rocket up in the rankings, every little thing you can do to help the SEO of a webpage helps. Just remember, the random bolding of text is no replacement for unique, high-quality content, so never let that be overlooked.