Blog Headline Writing Tips: 4 Ways to Write Better Blog Headlines

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? You wrote a high-quality article, but it’s receiving no traffic. If you are left wondering why in this situation, your article headline might be the culprit. If your article doesn’t have an amazing headline, then there’s a good chance that no one will feel compelled to click on the link. Coming up with an effective blog headline can make the difference between an article with no views and an article with tons of traffic, so it is important to have a headline that will catch a person’s eye and spark interest. Remember, higher traffic can lead to more leads, which could turn into potential customers or clients, so check out the blog headline writing tips below to help you write the best blog post headline.

The Headline and Content Needs to Match

Probably the most important blog headline writing tips on this list is that the content and blog headline title need to reflect one another. The last thing you want is to have a headline that insinuates one thing, but the body copy talks about something entirely different. If your content and headline don’t align, it could confuse and irritate your audience, which is the last thing you want when you are trying to generate traffic and leads.


A Headline Asks Questions

Often when we use a search engine to find an answer, we formulate it as a question. Doing so is the best way to pull up what you need, so take this into consideration when you are coming up with a headline. In addition, having a question in the headline is a great way to pique your reader’s interest, making it more likely that your article will be clicked on.


Use Brackets, Parentheses, Colons, and Hyphens

A study that Hubspot and Outbrain conducted found that headlines that use parentheses or brackets performed 38% better than the headlines that didn’t contain either one. Similarly, a study conducted by Outbrain found that colons and hyphens can increase the click-through rate by an average of 9%. It’s a simple way to create an engaging title, as it allows you to separate clauses and create some visual variety in the structure of the title.


Use SEO Keywords

Using SEO keywords in your title can help increase the chances of your article being found by keyword searches. Keywords are crucial if you want to generate traffic to your blog articles, so if you aren’t already, do some keyword research to find the keywords that people are searching for. In addition, creating SEO-optimized headlines can help increase your chances of being found, so do your research.