SEO Test: Optimizing Your Website For Search Engines

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO focuses on increasing organic traffic to your website and climbing up Google’s search engine ranking. Conducting an SEO test is a great way to see how your website compares to that of your competition.

Is An SEO Test Important?

Once you know the areas of your site that need improvement, you can increase your website’s SEO. Increased traffic to your website means more exposure, sales, and customers. The main goal is to get your site to appear in Google’s top searches. In fact, more than 65% of search engine users are more likely to click on one of Google’s top five suggestions on the search engine results page. In short, focusing on favorable SEO practices is a smart (and cheap) way to gain targeted traffic to your site.

SEO Test: Important SEO Factors

Some of the most important factors for good SEO include:

Page Speed: How fast your page loads/your site’s response time. 

Mobile Friendliness: How well your site adapts to mobile devices.

User Experience: How straight forward and easy it is to navigate your site.

Keyword Research/Content: Use of industry keywords, what people are searching for, and what keywords your competitor is using. This should be your basis for content on your site. 

Link Building: The number of links back to your site. When someone links to your site, you gain authority. 

Indexability: Google’s way of analyzing a page for relevant/indexable content.

Top SEO Tools To Use

Here are some resources to help you boost your SEO and keep your page optimized.