Guide to Grammar Correction Solutions for WordPress

It’s now the twenty-first century; welcome the digital age. By 2020 more than half of the world’s population will be online. In a world where “content is king” even the smallest mistakes can hinder credibility and hurt the overall bottom line. One of the biggest, yet most easily fixed issues involved in the creation of online content is grammar. Fortunately, there are many options available when it comes to grammar checking your writing.

Taking preventive measures is the best medicine against word crimes. Luckily, there are WordPress spell check plugins available to help you save time by allowing for spelling and grammar corrections to be made inside of WordPress. Here is a list of WordPress spell check plug-ins to help with those pesky word crimes syntax errors, and grammar bombs.


Jetpack is the most popular and secure plug-in. Jetpack has a ton of features, every thing from spam filtering to hacking protection. It even features a grammar and spell check module. Jetpack is chocked full with some of the most useful tools in WordPress. Each component can be switched off or on, allowing for complete customization of the work flow.

TinyMCE Spellcheck

TinyMCE Spellcheck is a bit on the older side, so it is no longer updated, but it has been tested up to WordPress ver4.0.18. Straightforward and clean, this old workhorse of a plugin does one thing, it checks spelling. So if that’s all that’s needed, TinyMCE Spellcheck is the smallest option with the fastest load up speed.

PrePost SEO

PrePost SEO does more than just check your spelling and grammar. Its tool kit checks for plagiarism, analyzes meta tags, checks links, checks your SEO, and helps optimize post titles. PrePost SEO does everything but write a post for you.

iClew Business Kit

iClew Business Kit not only includes a spelling and grammar checker that will regularly check your web pages, it will also keep constant track of a website’s traffic and performance. iClew will not only help you get your site up but it will also email auto-generated reports, allowing for real time adjustments based on up to the minute metrics.

WP Spell Check

WP Spell Check works very well for complex sites that feature lots of pages. Checking each page one by one can be time-consuming, so this plugin is able to scan and correct entire websites in a single pass. It can also help save hours, if not days, checking the nuances of published content.

Just Writing

Just Writing is very much like an updated version of TinyMCE Spellcheck. The author has taken a different approach to writing inside of WordPress, including a large list of add on features, and custom settings. The Just Writing plugin can help narrow the focus and streamline the writing process.