Organization 101: Simple Time Management Tips and Techniques

Time, there is only so much of it within the span of a day, and because there is often a deadline for projects, the time that you do have is precious. Many entrepreneurs wish there was more time in the day to get things done, but because we only have 24 hours in a day it is vital that time management is implemented. By doing so, you can have the correct approach to your work and can remain focused on the tasks at hand. Otherwise, you are at risk of not completing the task at hand properly or running out of time.

Managing your time doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Once you develop your system, you can work much more effectively and lower your stress levels. Time is fleeting, so get organized with these simple time management tips and techniques.

Keep a To-Do List

Keeping a list of your projects and tasks at hand is essential. If you rely on your memory, you are bound to forget something. We are not perfect, so you can’t expect yourself to remember everything, especially if you have a lot going on. So organize your projects and your to-do list, and write it down. You can use a good old-fashioned planner, or use a time-management program on your computer. Do this daily, this way you can ensure that you get those time-sensitive projects completed on time. Just make sure you cross off each task once you finish!

Set and Keep a Routine

Another way to stay organized and on track is to make a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. Organize a daily schedule and keep it somewhere that you can see. Set aside time to check your email, attend meetings, complete client work, and whatever else you need to complete. If you don’t organize your time, you run the risk of falling into the procrastination trap or might be inefficient with your time. Creating a schedule can also help prevent you from getting caught up on Facebook or from getting sucked into your favorite computer game.

Set a Deadline

Another reason to set a daily schedule is so you can ensure that you have a stop time for work. By establishing a daily routine of working from 9 to 5 for example, you can set a time to stop working. This psychological trick can help prevent you from pushing off projects, thinking that you will finish it later in the day. We all know that when we do this, we usually don’t get to these projects within the same day. However, knowing that there is a time limit can often give us the motivation we need to get things done in a timely fashion. Another bonus, setting a deadline can also help prevent burnout and can help you effectively manage your work-life balance.

Create a Professional Atmosphere

Where you work is crucial, so make sure you have an adequate space set up to work. It doesn’t matter if your workspace is at home, or at the office, having a professional workspace is essential to staying on task. Make sure your workstation is comfortable, is organized, and has everything you need on-hand to get the job done. You also will want to keep your workspace limited to only what you need, this way you can help eliminate any unnecessary distractions around you. To help limit distractions, try to keep your workstation free from clutter, which can make you feel disorganized and can create unnecessary stress. Who enjoys finding a needle in a haystack? Nobody, so keep your desk and all your important documents and tools neatly organized.