Top 10 WordPress Plugins for 2017

If you use WordPress, it is likely you are already familiar with WordPress plugins. Plugins are a great way to handle the essentials of your website, and they are very handy to have around. There is a plethora to choose from, and many of them are free. When it comes to choices, if you can think of it, there is probably a plugin for it. Plugins are a handy way to add functionality and style to your website, without the need for coding. Best of all, many of them are intuitive, so you don’t need to be a programmer to use them!

No matter how you utilize WordPress, there is a plugin available for you. Plugins are always evolving, and there are many fantastic plugins currently available on the market. If you want more control over your WordPress website, check out our list of some of the top WordPress plugins.

1. Easy Social Share Buttons – A must have plugin, as it gives you the ability to place social buttons on your site so visitors can share your content. Best part? This plugin looks great (aesthetically), and allows you to see how many times your page was shared!
2. BackupBuddy – Staying on top of backing up your site is vital. If anything happens to your server or databases, that backup can be a lifesaver. Don’t risk losing all of your hard work, invest in BackupBuddy to backup your WordPress website.
3. Yoast SEO – Face it, SEO is a big deal. If you want your site to rank high on Google, then you need an optimized website. This is where Yoast comes in, as this plugin can help you correctly optimize your WordPress website.
4. WooCommerce – If you are looking to get into eCommerce, WooCommerce is an excellent choice. The WooCommerce plugin is very popular as it makes running an online store a simple and easy.
5. Akismet – If you despise comment spam, which you should, then the Akismet plugin is the solution for you. Akismet will fend off spam and will even delete all of your junk comments for you, so you never have to see them.
6. Metaslider – If you want to create a beautiful, dynamic front page then you should try Metaslider. Metaslider allows you to create responsive SEO optimized slideshows that are absolutely stunning.
7. Google Analytics by Yoast – If you use Google Analytics to analyze your site’s data, then you need to install the Google Analytics plugin by Yoast. Once installed, you can view your site’s analytical data on your WordPress dashboard.
8. NextGen Gallery – An oldie, but goodie, NextGen Gallery has been around for quite some time, making it an excellent plugin to use if you are in need of a gallery plugin.
9. CSS Hero – If you want more control over your WordPress website, but don’t want to deal with coding. CSS hero does all the dirty work for you, as it will help you customize any part of your theme.
10. Beaver Builder – You want to create beautiful pages for your website then you will enjoy using this simple page builder plugin. The intuitive and flexible interface allows you to create your very own stunning custom layouts.