The 10 Most Common Facebook Mistakes

It’s not uncommon for marketers and business owners to use Facebook to create contacts and develop a following. However, Facebook’s algorithm is continually being refined, so even though you have a long list of followers your content can go nowhere and not be seen by many users. You don’t want to be that person using an outdated approach when marketing on Facebook, you want to try to build an effective and engaging presence. It is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with making mistakes because that is how we learn, but of course not making mistakes because you have foresight is always the better route to take.

Knowledge can help save you from potential pitfalls, so if you use Facebook to promote, continue on to learn more about the most common Facebook mistakes so you can know how to avoid them.

1. Be sure to post content that is not your own, and share from a variety of sources. This can help increase your engagement and in turn, strengthen your brand, especially if you share a post that is already trending.

2. When you post, don’t just broadcast, you want to engage with your audience. Do this by including a poll, asking the audience a question, or simply invite people to comment.

3. Make sure you engage with your audience, as this will help you strengthen your image by building a rapport and establishing trust. This means when people react to your content or send you a message, make sure you reply within 24 hours.

4. Promote conversations by commenting on other posts from users who are in your industry. This will help make your brand look more credible and is a great way to reach and connect with your audience.

5. Be consistent with your postings and don’t post too often or not enough. Finding the perfect balance is key, this way people don’t start to “unlike” your page by posting too often or not enough.

6. You want your Facebook page name to be just that, the name. Do not add keywords to your Facebook page name, or you may be penalized. In addition, doing this can make you look less credible and that can hurt your following.

7. Make your core message clear and stick to it. This means anything you post should be related to your business, anything otherwise can confuse your audience and can negatively affect your brand’s image. The key is to offer variety in your postings while keeping consistent with your message.

8. It is important to promote the Facebook page on any email blasts, as well as on the associated website. Make sure the website has a link back to the Facebook page, and integrate post feeds, like and share buttons onto the site.

9. Facebook Insights is your friend, so use it wisely. With Facebook Insights, you can see what works and what doesn’t by being able to see the data behind your posts engagements. Knowing this information is invaluable and can help you make tweaks to your strategy.

10. Utilize the space for a full-width image, as it’s often the first thing a visitor sees. The ideal dimensions are 851px by 315px, so use it wisely and if possible, create a custom image with a tagline. This will help make the Facebook page look more professional and credible.